TAITO arcade stool refurbish

I got myself a pair of pretty sad looking TAITO arcade stools a couple of months ago but hadn’t had time to get them looking good until now (currently on vacation). I took a photo of one when I got them, thinking the fabric was orange, but now in the process I actually noticed that …

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Mounting a (pretty) SUZO 500 in an EGRET II

SUZO 500 with original shaft mounted in an EGRET II

Updated 2010-05-02 (added a picture of the screw, extender and washer I use) Most EGRET II owners (or any Japanese cabinet owners) swear by their SANWA or Seimitsu sticks (I used to do that as well), but then I read someone @ the shmups forums write how awesome the SUZO 500 is for shmups, because …

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Easy EGRET II speaker upgrade

Click here for a short guide that might come in handy. Click it!

EASY EGRET II SPEAKER UPGRADE How to put a 2.1 speaker system into an EGRET II with or without intrusive measures. Very easy to do as long as you know how to do it and what you’ll need. Speaker choice After a whole-heartily recommendation (i.e. “these are cheap, mate”) I went with the Logitech s220 …

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XBox 360 Cabinet Themes

Theme close up

“Cabifying” your 360 dashboard What’s that you say? I noticed that you could browse pictures in the dashboard of the XBox 360 and decided to see if this could be utilized to create a “theme” of sorts. I then made an EGRET II theme that worked really well in my cabinet. As I shared this on …

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Today was kinda a great day. I received a Hacha Mecha Fighter PCB, and two new (with correct colours) EGRET II 1-player CPOs that I’ll be applying ASAP. Update: I have applied the CPOs above now:


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As a small Christmas present for my visitors, I’ve made a small page with XBox 360 Dashboard theme backgrounds like the one in the news item below. Click the banner below to go there:


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I was kinda bored today, so I made a background image for my XBox 360 dashboard to fit my EGRET II as it’s more or less a “dedicated” cabinet console. Looks nice: Close up and horizontal view (please don’t laugh at my measly gamer-score): Background image can be downloaded from here


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Made a little guide on how to upgrade the speakers in your EGRET II (should work well for any type of JAMMA sitdown really) to a 2.1 stereo set, allowing easy console, PC or a stereo source, line output arcade system. The guide describes what’s needed, and how to do the switch in three ways. …

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Today I got some shiny new glass holders for my EGRET II’s. Looks great:


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Bought some nice stuff for my cabinets, since game releases are a couple of weeks away. Still waiting for the pre-orders to open up at my favourite web-store for Do-Donpachi Dai-Fukkatsu 1.5 and Muchi Muchi Pork/Pink Sweets. New buttons for the panel where I put Sanwa RGs before. I went with Seimitus with clear plunger …

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