Tag: shmups

Custom English movestrip for Storm Blade by VISCO added to artwork section!


Just finished this strip for the underestimated (perhaps because of it’s a rarity?) shmup by VISCO, “Storm Blade”. Get it from here: https://emphatic.se/?p=807

Do-Donpachi DAI-OU-JOU English movestrip!


Inspired by another English strip I saw, I did this customized version. Get it from: https://emphatic.se/?p=807 ! 🙂

360 Video settings – Mushihimesama HD

I have an announcement

I just updated my 360 Video settings page with Mushihimesama HD (scroll down to the bottom). I also noticed (with this game)that at least using the Ultracade Universal Video Converter, the backgrounds will wobble (tearing) terribly unless SMOOTHING is enabled. I don’t know if you’ll get the wobble if you use a native 480p (or …

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Batrider story translation!

I have an announcement

A seriously cool translation by blackoak @ shmups forum has been posted: http://shmups.system11.org/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=40794&start=30 Check it out!

Ketsui get!!!

Finally I own this wonderful game!   I am a happy camper.

More CAVE games emulated in MAME

As of right now, the following CAVE SH3 titles have preliminary (still no sound and hardware slowdown not emulated properly) drivers in MAME: DeathSmiles ESPGALUDA II Ibara Ibara Kuro (Black Label) Muchi Muchi Pork (apparently, I haven’t seen the rom files yet) Mushihimesama Mushihimesama Futari 1.0 Mushihimesama Futari 1.54 Mushihimetama Also added (I haven’t checked …

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I got me some SPARK!

Spark Teaser image

Today I received a the latest offering from modern time alchemist, Toodles. Behold THE SPARK. This little piece of high-tech will turn your SANWA JLF into the equivalent of SANWA’s long gone epic FLASH 1 optical joystick. I really wanted to test this properly (with some game I really know, like Ketsui) today, but due to some …

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More SUZO 500 modding

SUZO 500 - "Light spring mod" (custom shaft, JLF spring + new washer)

Fans of the SUZO 500 stick might have noticed that the shaft doesn’t center properly due to the pivot being a couple of mm’s short of filling the hole in the base. Monouchi (a Swedish guy who did the incredible Do-Donpachi Daifukkatsu stick that you might have seen online) solved this by adding some heat …

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XBox 360 | ESPGALUDA II Black Label – CAVE


Updated 2011-08-04 with No-miss Omake! YouTube video (scroll down) My love for CAVE and all of their excellent shooting games was originally brought on by Ketsui, but that wasn’t an affordable title at the time, so instead I started to play ESPGALUDA. And more importantly, I started to play it for score and not only …

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Mounting a (pretty) SUZO 500 in an EGRET II

SUZO 500 with original shaft mounted in an EGRET II

Updated 2010-05-02 (added a picture of the screw, extender and washer I use) Most EGRET II owners (or any Japanese cabinet owners) swear by their SANWA or Seimitsu sticks (I used to do that as well), but then I read someone @ the shmups forums write how awesome the SUZO 500 is for shmups, because …

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