Category: Old news (migrated from old site)

Migrated from my old site.


This news item has previously been published on the old, static site. There might be dead links inside.

The updated site is available here from now on: Please update your bookmarks!


This news item has previously been published on the old, static site. There might be dead links inside.

Just wanted to tell you who visit my site that it will soon(ish) be improved. I’m moving to WordPress, just gonna learn to harness it’s power first. I’m looking forward to being able to update the site more often (I won’t spam with complete garbage though, don’t worry) and adding a search engine and perhaps …

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This news item has previously been published on the old, static site. There might be dead links inside.

Finally was able to get hold of a Battle Garegga PCB! This has the modified roms (zakk) that will reset the rank on each credit and permanently unlock the hidden characters. I hope to put many hours into this gem.


This news item has previously been published on the old, static site. There might be dead links inside.

Successfully tried the JLF PCB mod that I figured out yesterday. It was very easy to do. Read my 5 step guide by clicking the image below.


This news item has previously been published on the old, static site. There might be dead links inside.

Updated the JST guide I added this morning with a better solution based on the use of a JLF or LS-32-01 PCB. Realized that the news.html was getting pretty damn big, so split it into more documents instead of just jumping down. I hope this will load the site faster.Updated the JST guide I added …

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This news item has previously been published on the old, static site. There might be dead links inside.

Realized that the news.html was getting pretty damn big, so split it into more documents instead of just jumping down. I hope this will load the site faster.


This news item has previously been published on the old, static site. There might be dead links inside.

Some of you out there might at one time have considered putting something other than the SANWA JLF or Seimitsu LS-32 in your cabinet or arcade stick, but the lack of a 5-pin connector has turned you off the idea. I made a short guide on how to hook up a SUZO 500 to my …

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This news item has previously been published on the old, static site. There might be dead links inside.

A visitor from Italy made me realize that the 360 backgrounds I’ve made doesn’t work as .png files, so I have converted them to .jpg instead and replaced all the links. I added a bonus item at the bottom that’s handy to have in the cabinet for tweaking your 360 picture.


This news item has previously been published on the old, static site. There might be dead links inside.

A couple of days ago, I fell in love. See pictures below: Hand made, all metal, extremely short throw/engage, super-sweet goodness. Nicer than a tweaked SUZO 500 even. This is my stick of choice now. If these go into production, look no further for that perfect joystick if you’re into shmups. I’ve suggested some (size) …

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This news item has previously been published on the old, static site. There might be dead links inside.

Took a few more pictures of my Dreamcast running through the SLG3000 on my Acer LCD screen: Also a pretty large picture of Mars Matrix. Click here to view it. Also tweaked the settings on the SLG3000 to give me a better result on my NANAO 24kHz display (I had the dips set to even …

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