I got myself a pair of pretty sad looking TAITO arcade stools a couple of months ago but hadn’t had time to get them looking good until now (currently on vacation). I took a photo of one when I got them, thinking the fabric was orange, but now in the process I actually noticed that …
Category: Articles
Movestrips etc.
Jan 16
Seimitsu LS-30 aka SNK Rotary joystick – my modifications
I’ve had a pair of these now rare Seimitsu LS-30 joysticks for a while, but haven’t bought any games to use them with yet. I didn’t like the state they were in when I got them and have been putting off fixing them up for the last few years since I bought them. But I …
Apr 25
360 Game Cabinet Video Settings
Getting the closest as possible arcade experience is for many the reason to put a home console inside an arcade cabinet with a CRT monitor. It can take lots of tweaking to get right, and when you change from one game to another, it might need additional tweaking. I’ve worked hard with my collection of …
Apr 05
How to fine-tune the picture in your EGRET II
Stuff you need to know RGB CUT OFF: I like to say that this is the “canvas” upon which the game board then will draw the graphics (using the RGB GAIN/DRIVE channels) by pushing RED, GREEN and BLUE in the amount and mixture needed to get all the colours used by the game’s palette. CUT …
Apr 02
Mounting a (pretty) SUZO 500 in an EGRET II
Updated 2010-05-02 (added a picture of the screw, extender and washer I use) Most EGRET II owners (or any Japanese cabinet owners) swear by their SANWA or Seimitsu sticks (I used to do that as well), but then I read someone @ the shmups forums write how awesome the SUZO 500 is for shmups, because …
Mar 29
Easy EGRET II speaker upgrade
EASY EGRET II SPEAKER UPGRADE How to put a 2.1 speaker system into an EGRET II with or without intrusive measures. Very easy to do as long as you know how to do it and what you’ll need. Speaker choice After a whole-heartily recommendation (i.e. “these are cheap, mate”) I went with the Logitech s220 …
Mar 29
My Guwange HORI stick
TURNING TEKKEN 6 INTO GUWANGE INTRODUCTION I found a very cheap HORI Tekken 6 | Game + Artwork book + Arcade stick bundle, but never clicked with the stick or the artwork, so I started working on a fitting artwork, looking at hardware modding possibilities etc. The first thing I did was trying to make …
Mar 29
How To: Install a non-PCB joystick in a 5-pin harness
Connecting a 5-pin JST-H solution “for dummies” When is this needed? Many Japanese cabinets (or well built console Arcade sticks) use a JST 5-pin connector that will install a SANWA JLF or a Seimitsu LS-32-01 quick and easy (see the picture above) in their control panels. So? Well, sometimes you want to mix it up, …
Mar 29
Ultracade Universal Video Converter
What it does The Ultracade Universal Video Converter, or UVC for short, can convert a high res video signal into an arcade monitor compatible RGBS signal. In 15kHz or in 24kHz. There are other ways of hooking up a high res source to an arcade cabinet like this, but no other can output to 24kHz …
Mar 28
XBox 360 Cabinet Themes
“Cabifying” your 360 dashboard What’s that you say? I noticed that you could browse pictures in the dashboard of the XBox 360 and decided to see if this could be utilized to create a “theme” of sorts. I then made an EGRETÂ II theme that worked really well in my cabinet. As I shared this on …
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