System Motherboards

I’m really an 80’s games guy, but there are games of latter making that suits my preference and I won’t go around saying they are ’too young’ for me. There’s really no age of consent when it comes to games. 😉 So I’m gonna get some nice mobos with carts that I find fun to play. I have a NEO-GEO system motherboard and a Jaleco Mega 32 motherboard.

CPS2 B-boards:
| Progear (Conversion) <-Now turned into a Darksoft multiboard instead


NEO-GEO carts:
Super 138-In-1

Jaleco Mega 32 carts:
| P-47 Aces

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Click for high-res picture Got this from a local collector for a Progear cart I’m waiting for. The noisy fan will be replaced by a silent Papst one. I will probably not get any more games for it but you never really know, right? :DGonna use the RCA connectors to hook this up to my cabinets subwoofer.

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Click for high-res picture I bought this cart as a Progear conversion. Decided to get the Darksoft Multi-CPS2 kit, so now that’s what it is.More info here

NEO-GEO 1-slot motherboard MV-1FZ | JAMMA PCB
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Click for high-res picture I bought this from a swedish enthusiast that just had ran out of enthusiasm.It came equipped with the Universe BIOS v. 2.3. Apparently it has some difficulties recognizing some carts as what game they really hold. My Puzzle Bobble cart for instance is identified as Ninja Combat, making it impossible to change the language from Japanese to English. Well, you don’t have to know Japanese to play that game anyway. 😀 That’s not really my motherboard on that picture, I’m gonna take a nice photo of it soon. More info and even more info

Super 138-In-1 | NEO-GEO MVS Cart | Bootleg
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Bought from You can choose which of the 138 games to be displayed with the small menu PCB.
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Jaleco Mega 32 System | Motherboard | Jaleco.
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Here’s another picture of the motherboard.
Bought this from a swedish enthusiast for a very nice price including the game cart Tetris Plus 2. I’m gonna try to find P-47 Aces also for this system. It’s really cool.
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P-47 Aces | Jaleco Mega 32 cart | 1995 Jaleco.
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Click for high-res picture Only played this in MAME until I found it in Japan. I’ve always loved the original from 1988 and this is a pretty much faithful update. Not as good as before, but OK. More info

More games will most likely appear here. Watch this space! Meanwhile, check out my games page for even more sexy game titles, mostly older stuff…

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