Category: Cool News

Stuff I've found online.

Translations of interviews featured in Japanese ‘Shooting Gameside’ magazine

I have an announcement

blackoak from shmups forums has posted some very interesting interviews lately: The Basiscape composers interview: A Toaplan interview (with Tatsuya Uemura): A Raizing interview (with Sotoyama Yuuichi & YokooKenichi): A Doujin shmup interview: And a HUGE CAVE interview (with Junya Inoue, Manabu Namiki, Takashi Ichimura, Hiroyuki Tanaka, S. Yagawa, Akira Wakabayashi & Tsuneki Ikeda):  

Batrider story translation!

I have an announcement

A seriously cool translation by blackoak @ shmups forum has been posted: Check it out!

More CAVE games emulated in MAME

As of right now, the following CAVE SH3 titles have preliminary (still no sound and hardware slowdown not emulated properly) drivers in MAME: DeathSmiles ESPGALUDA II Ibara Ibara Kuro (Black Label) Muchi Muchi Pork (apparently, I haven’t seen the rom files yet) Mushihimesama Mushihimesama Futari 1.0 Mushihimesama Futari 1.54 Mushihimetama Also added (I haven’t checked …

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CAVE launches english website

A CAVE news item

I saw this @ Arcade Otaku a moment ago. Check it out: In other news, it seems like I’ve landed a new job. So, while updates will be farther apart, they will likely be more worthwhile as they appear here.

More CAVE hacking – Ketsui Back Label / Fast Label

A CAVE news item

Squidman has made some cool stuff to Ketsui over here: click I hope all of this can be worked into a rom you can burn and put on your Ketsui PCB. Imagine getting new arrange modes, added functionality etc. Just like the zakk roms for Battle Garegga. 😀

Bullet Soul – Pre-ordered today!

Bullet Soul TATE teaser

One week from release 5pb finally present us with a TATE option for their region free 360 shmup, Bullet Soul. I’ve been on the fence about the game since there has been no indication at all about that until now, but I just pre-ordered my copy from If you’re in Europe and think buying …

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CAVE | Do-Donpachi Dai-Ou-Jou Black Label – Reverse Engineered

A CAVE news item

Today over at the shmups forums a new post caught my eye. Check out the added content in the Player 2 bomb stock below: A forum regular “austere” has reverse-engineered the game from top to bottom, and made a patch available for those who wants to try it out: This is a modified version of …

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