Translations of interviews featured in Japanese ’Shooting Gameside’ magazine

blackoak from shmups forums has posted some very interesting interviews lately:

The Basiscape composers interview:

A Toaplan interview (with Tatsuya Uemura):

Raizing interview (with Sotoyama Yuuichi & YokooKenichi):

A Doujin shmup interview:

And a HUGE CAVE interview (with Junya Inoue, Manabu Namiki, Takashi Ichimura, Hiroyuki Tanaka, S. Yagawa, Akira Wakabayashi & Tsuneki Ikeda):


2 kommentarer

  1. Jorgen, you must return to this site! Just refound it and excited to dig through your archives. As there’s no year on your posts it’s hard to tell when you last posted, but I suspect it’s been many years.

    1. I have a two year old son that takes a lot of energy and time, so updates has been lacking. Stay tuned!

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