Tag: Artwork

Custom English movestrip for Storm Blade by VISCO added to artwork section!


Just finished this strip for the underestimated (perhaps because of it’s a rarity?) shmup by VISCO, “Storm Blade”. Get it from here: https://emphatic.se/?p=807

Do-Donpachi DAI-OU-JOU English movestrip!


Inspired by another English strip I saw, I did this customized version. Get it from: https://emphatic.se/?p=807 ! 🙂

Added Batsugun move strip to the artwork section

As usual, you can download it from here: https://emphatic.se/?p=807 🙂


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Today was kinda a great day. I received a Hacha Mecha Fighter PCB, and two new (with correct colours) EGRET II 1-player CPOs that I’ll be applying ASAP. Update: I have applied the CPOs above now:


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I was kinda bored today, so I made a background image for my XBox 360 dashboard to fit my EGRET II as it’s more or less a “dedicated” cabinet console. Looks nice: Close up and horizontal view (please don’t laugh at my measly gamer-score): Background image can be downloaded from here


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Today I got some shiny new glass holders for my EGRET II’s. Looks great:


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Finally sourced and bought another EGRET II. As soon as the weather allows, I’ll go get it and post some pictures of it as well. Will be great to play some ESPGALUDA in it, and ESPGALUDA II (360) in my other one as that’ll be arriving this week. I have something else coming as well. …

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Haven’t had much funds to spend on arcade games/cabinet updates lately. A very nice guy has lent me his Ketsui PCB, so now I’m learning much about this beautiful gem from CAVE. I’ve devised a nice instruction card-holder to replace the totally unneccesary ashtray in my Xiong Ba cabinet. Looks really nice, doesn’t it? I’ve …

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Got a Gals Panic PCB from a friend that’s selling his cabinet, so he’ll have no means to play it (except when he visits me that is). Also bought a cheap (59 sek) poster with Super Mario (DS game, I’m guessing) that I converted into this.


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Yesterday my new CPO arrived for my Xiong Ba cabinet arrived from MAME Marquees. It took a couple of hours but it’s now in place. Click here to see the work in progress pics.