
I’ve sold my Rastan PCB. Never gets played anyway, and I will rather have some nice things for my cabinets right now. Will get 2.1 speakers for my EGRET II, and a Extron Super Emotia video converter I got off eBay needs a power stepdown converter so I can play vertical high res (Japanese XBox 360) shmups in my low res cabs (preferrably EGRET II).
I also got rid of a Rygar bootleg, and Tetris Plus 2 cart for Jaleco Mega System 32.

Yes, I bought a Japanese XBox 360 and am currently enjoying DeathSmiles Mega Black Label in glorious high res in the Xiong-Ba cabinet. What a beautiful/fun game it is. Looking forward to Mushihime Futari, Ketsui, ESPGALUDA II and DeathSmiles 2 in the future. Also, I’m considering getting Raiden IV for it, even though I’m not a huge fan of the series.

I also bought a very nice reproduction overlay for my EGRET II’s 1P panel from SEGAShed:

EGRET II 1P-panel

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