Hey folks,
By random I found that my web server can handle WordPress, so I thought to myself -“It’s 2011 after all, by now people will think I’m crazy to still use regular html for my site”. So at the moment I’m in the progress of migrating all of the old content to this new platform. For now the old site will remain, but I won’t do any updates on it no more, so please update your bookmarks. :
I really hope that those of you who enjoy this site will keep coming back and maybe even post some comments when you see an article you enjoy.
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Grymt snygg sajt empi! Well done! 🙂
Thanks, mannen!
Thanks for all your incredibly well put and detailed information, Emphatic! Great job on your new site, looks even better than before.
Hey man, glad you like it. I did have some doubts about moving to WordPress as the design aspects are a bit “out of my hands”, but I think I found a look now that I can live with + it opens up a whole lot of interactivity for the visitors, which of course is very nice. 😀