Today, my stupid mail-man had shoved the Gunbird PCB I was waiting for into my mailbox. Stupid! It isn’t working, and now I can’t tell if it was broken when sent out either. Stupid!
Sep 18
Recieved two MVS carts in the mail, Aero Fighters 2 and Blazing Star. I felt I needed some good shmups for horizontal gaming, and you can’t get any better than these two imho. Also made the design of these pages a bit slimmer so people with 4:3/3:4 monitors will have more fun browsing them. Here’s hoping people with …
Sep 15
Aug 30
Aug 25
Aug 07
Recieved a Rolling Thunder pcb from eBay/The Us. Very quick indeed. Had to clean it with a Wettex, because it had about 20 years of dust on it, so I’m gonna let it rest until tomorrow so it’s dry enough for testing. This is a happy day, since this is one of those games that …
Aug 04
This is so typical for me. I was adjusting the video sync in my JK cabinet as described below and was convinced that my power was killed in the process. Got a new power-unit (cheap hower) only to (surprise, surprise) see that if you set you video sync wrong, the symptons you get resembles those …
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