Updated September 5th, 2020 with Crimzon Clover movestrip
Updated September 23rd with Storm Blade movestrip
Updated September the 17th with Dodonpachi DAI-OU-JOU in English!
Updated August the 23rd with Batsugun movestrip
Updated March the 3rd with Japanese Battle Bakraid movestrip
Updated January 21th with fixed links as MegaUpload is no longer in business. 🙁
(Updated August 17 with a corrected ESPGALUDA II strip. Better wording, thanks tokrot.
Updated August the 16th with ESPGALUDA II custom English move strip. Update #2 fixed bad link.
Updated August the 15th, as some strips had disappeared. Armed Police Batrider and Ibara are also new.
Updated August 3rd with Battle Garegga move strip.
Updated August 2nd with Guwange strips in two flavors.
Updated June 13th with two new E.S.P. Ra.De. strips!
Look closely at the top menu, and you’ll see a new link called ”ARTWORK”. Why? Continue reading.
Typically when you buy a used PCB you don’t get the artwork that the game came with originally, so if you want to install this game ”properly” in your cabinet to get the full conversion kit feeling when looking at your precious cabinet, a void is present. Most newer games come with move strips, Pop art, stickers etc, but those are collector’s items and even in a home environment using these are frowned upon by many collectors as even sunlight will eat away at them. Ironically enough, using reproduction artwork is also considered an eyesore, but personally I really like repro stuff as it costs very little (if you even have the means to print them) and will never lower the value of your collectibles.
All custom move strips on this page use the above format
Of course, finding quality artwork isn’t always possible, and depending on your cabinet, it won’t even fit your instruction space. Now, I have made some custom pieces myself, and shared them on sites like the shmups forum, CAVE-STG or Arcade Otaku. I thought about it for a while and came to the conclusion to keep them on my own site as well.
All move strips on this site are made from artwork found online (arcadeflyers.com, world-of-arcades, etc) that has been polished, reworked, translated by me. They are all in 300 dpi high quality .png format that will look great when printed with a size of 530 x 80 mm (approx. 21 x 2 inches) but can be scaled down to fit other cabinets than the EGRET II. All move strip files found here should be in the suggested size written above, but the EGRET II instruction space will accommodate 534×84 mm if you wanna fill the whole area. I’ve made a minimal pink and white background for each strip that fills the EGRET II artwork glass fully, so if you print these for say, a SEGA (New) Astro City, I recommend you measure the height of your glass then crop away the white from my files so you can resize the strip before you print it out.
If you don’t feel like searching for a place to get these printed, you can get my custom move-strips perfectly printed at https://www.jasenscustoms.com
I’ve been informed that SEGA type instruction space (visible area) is 480 x 75 mm. If you have Photoshop available, create a new 3oo dpi document with that size, open up one of my .png files, crop away the sides (with the pink strips) but keep the white above and below, press ctrl+A, ctrl+C, switch to your new SEGA size document and press ctrl+V. Use ctrl+T (Free transform) to resize it until it just fills the horizontal width then use the arrow keys to align it vertically. Press ENTER when you’re done. Remember to keep your shift key pressed while re-sizing as to keep the aspect ratio of the strip or it will look bad.
Watch this page for updates. One day that elusive game you love might turn up. I will update the news page as well, along with my Twitter page (www.twitter.com/emphatic001) when I do. The files were hosted on MegaUpload, but they were closed down and I now host these files on this website and we manage correctly the accessibility of it with the top and updated website accessibility checklist, to make sure everything is on orde Hopefully I won’t run out of space. :/
Now onto the links. If you lir.ke the strip (the top part of the preview) click it to launch the download link. The bottom part of each of these images below have a close up of the strip. They were originally listed alphabetically, but WordPress doesn’t seem to like when I move stuff around, so the newest on top from Guwange and anything that comes after that…
Crimzon Clover (Arcade) by YOTSUBANE – custom English movestrip
Crimzon Clover (Arcade) custom English movestrip
Storm Blade (Arcade) by VISCO – custom English movestrip
Do-Donpachi DAI-OU-JOU (Arcade) by AMI / CAVE – Custom English strip
(Thanks to Softdrink for the inspiring English text that finally made me do this!)
Batsugun (Arcade) -Regular 1993 version
Did this a couple of months ago but forgot to add it to this page.
Battle Bakraid (Arcade) by 8ing/Raizing- Japanese version
I’ve never played Battle Bakraid, but got a request to do this movestrip. I wanna do an English version as well, but as I have no knowledge about the game, I need some help on what text to put next to the graphics. Hopefully I’ll be able to get it done soon.
As I’m not a fan of the arcade game, I might do some more strips for this game (Black Label / Omake! / Arrange). But just maybe.
Armed Police Batrider by 8ing / Raizing
Ibara by CAVE
Battle Garegga
Guwange by CAVE (Dark version)
Guwange by CAVE (Light version)
E.S.P. Ra.De by CAVE (English)
Sure, I could have put some basic scoring tips on this one, but that’s now how move strips are supposed to be. I used the CAVE site for the game, Google translate and common sense.
E.S.P. Ra.De by CAVE (Japanese)
Click above link to get the E.S.P. Ra.De. move strip above but with Japanese language instead of English.
E.S.P. Ra.De by CAVE (my first version)
This was one of the first ones I did, so it looks kinda crappy to me. I might have another one up sometime soon if I can find some nice artwork to make it from.
Ketsui by CAVE (English)
Most time I’ve spent on any of these. I cleaned up the original strip scan that I found on World Of Arcades and painstakingly re-did all the text in English (translating using Google Translate + my knowledge of the game to figure out how to make sense of the ”translation” ) + removing the Engrish of the original flyer (can you spot it?)
Mushihimesama Futari 1.5 by CAVE (PCB, 3 buttons)
I made this and the strip for the XBox 360 port in 3 flavors, I had all these @ MegaUpload in a single zip file, but I’ve put links here instead as I host these on my site now.
Mushihimesama Futari 1.5 by CAVE (XBox 360, 4 buttons)
This strip supports the arrange mode as well.
Outzone by Toaplan (English)
Outzone by Toaplan (Japanese)
Raiden Fighters 2
This was one of my early attempts at a move strip, so it’s kinda text heavy. Maybe I’ll upload a reworked version sometime.
61 kommentarer
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Nice pictures! Eyecandy… 🙂
Thank you for having all this art available, i’m making a Egret ii design for an arcade stick and because of your site i have everything i need.
I’m glad to hear it!
Would you have a template or reproduction of the illumination panel?
Would you ever consider doing a strip for U.N. Squadron/Area 88?
The rest of your strips look fantastic!
I’ll have a look at the available art.
wonderful! exactly what I was looking for!!!! THANK YOU!!! and keep the strips coming!! can’t have enough of them! 🙂
I would like some SNK-strips… like for Shocktroopers 1 & 2, SamSho V Special & IV
Hey, I made a custom Metal Slug 3 strip. And I would like to give it to you. Maybe you can use it here…
It was a lot of photoshop work for me, but I think it turned out very nice:
what do you think?
Wow, that Metal Slug 3 strip is masterful! Very nice work indeed. If you do more, I advice you to start a blog or website and host them there.
Would you mind sharing both of them? The links no longer work!
Sorry, Jay, I don’t have the Metal slug strip saved.
Thank you 🙂 I worked around 8 hours on this strip. I like to do things like that… here is another one, this time it’s Sengoku 3:
Hope you like it as well.
I already have a website (www.thegnet.ch), but it’s mainly about next-gen consoles. I do play Xbox 360, and there are some good games on it, but I prefer Retro- and Arcade-games 🙂
Could you please give us an alternative link for this one as well?
These are fantastic. Excellent work!!! My Egret II is starting to look great now. All I’m missing is the control panel overlay for the 2P 14 button layout. Do you happen to have the artwork available? Many thanks
Thanks! Sorry, I don’t have the artwork available for EGRET II panels. Tip: Sign up @ arcadeotaku.com and see if AO member Spectre can hook you up.
Hi.do you know were i can find. donpachi move strip scans?thanks
No such strip exists, only instruction cards. Unless someone makes a brand new one. I don’t have the time right now, sorry.
I was wondering if you have a Egret 2 illumination panel.
Sorry, no. Apparently TAITOtech has a small stock still. Try e-mailing them.
These are sick , great job!
Thanks, man!
Thanks for this great works! Awesome jobs.
Thank you too Master(G).
If I can give an opinion on Metal Slug Strip, in the Controls section, I don’t like very much black words on white background, too square for me. the rest is just perfect. Again it is just a matter of taste, works is there.
Loving the Artwork, you think you can make me one for Ikari Warriors pleeeeeease
If there is good enough artwork available for Ikari Warriors it’s possible. I’ll have a look when arcadeflyers.com is back up.
There is some clean vector images from Ikari Warriors on the Hypersin website 🙂
Great work, emphatic! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much for sharing your artwork, I have an Egret 3 cabinet and this will look so nice!
I really appreciate your awesome artwork. I’ll be using some for my blast city cab. Any chance i can request a Espgaluda II marquee artwork? Thanks again!!
Thanks! What marquee type are you looking for? I know that Spectre @ Arcade Otaku has a printing service as well as making custom marquees, so I recommend you sign up for http://forum.arcadeotaku.com if you haven’t already, because his stuff is better than what I can do, probably.
Oh, cool thanks I’ll check them out. I was looking for a blast city Espgaluda II marquee.
Hey emphatic,
Can i request some move strips for Deathsmiles I and II?
Hi Anthony,
I won’t promise anything as I’m very busy right now with a lot of stuff. Also, typically, I get inspired and just whip something up very quickly, but lately, I haven’t been doing much Photoshop work of late, hopefully I’ll get back to it as the days grow brighter.
No problem, bro. I appreciate all your awesome work. Thanks again.
I am looking for vewlix move strips and marquee for taito x2 shmups. Like Raiden IV and Homura.
Any help would be great!!!
I’d love to talk to you about printing/cutting these up for folks and making them readily available. Please feel free to shoot me an email to discuss!
Hi Emphatic,
Was hoping for an opportunity to talk with you about your custom move strips and sideart as well. Is it possible to get in touch with you by email or other communication?
Hi Jaleel,
I have sent you an e-mail.
I have printed your move strips and are awesome. The ibara’s colors are perfect for the Egret 3 😉
Thank you very much.
May be I’ll be lucky with the next one about the first Espgaluda?
It’s my favorite game.
Very happy to hear that. Yes, Ibara came out great. The text is very small though, but I felt it would fit the complex theme of the game.
ESPGALUDA you say? It’s my favourite CAVE game as well. Who knows what’ll happen… 😉
I was curious how you achieved that ”square-bumpy” texture affect on the Outzone strip? Is it an overlay or a pattern or ..??
Assuming you used an image of some sort is it something you can link to?
It’s a built-in Photoshop filter called Patchwork:
Excellent, thanks!
Hi there! Do you have Astro City’s original Instruction Space artwork scan? I’m refurbishing this cab and cant find this anywhere x.x
As I don’t have any SEGA cabinets, sadly no. I saw you posted this question over at Arcade Otaku, I think you’ll get some better help there.
Do you have a custom strip panel for the 360 port of SDOJ? It’d sure be cool with an Egret II setup running a JPN region 360 with SDOJ via an Ultracade uVC setup. From what I recall of playing the Jamma SDOJ PCB at the 2012 California Extreme show was that it was a three button affair at best (compared to the four button affair of DDP-DOJ & DDP-DOJ BL PCBs respectively). And just how many SDOJ PCB kits did Cave make/sell for regular distribution worldwide?
No, at least not right now. I have barely any time or energy to put into this right now, sorry. I have no idea about how big the print run of SDOJ was, you’d be better off asking in the Shmups Chat.
very very nice 🙂
do you have a SAIDAIOUJOU move strips ?
No. At least not yet.
Outstanding work…I have a super fun request! The Kung-Fu Master Jackie Chan AKA Jackie Chan in Fists of Fire: Jackie Chan Densetsu
I would love to have this art in my panel.
Emphatic, love the work. I know you have Progear, did you ever think a bout a move strip for it?
I will consider it. I have been somewhat inspired lately, so I might do it if I get the time.
these look great is their a download link for them all
Thanks, you have to click on each one and use save as. Sorry.
Hi mate!
I know you’ve been asked about this before so I’m sorry if I’m being a pain. But have you got a dodonpachi strip made or do you have any plans to make one?
I haven’t considered making one, but I will look into it.
Looking forward to it! I’ll keep checking back every so often 😀
Thanks for making these, I’ve used one as inspiration for a vewlix move strip. Please let me know if you have a PayPal or similar method to receive tips/contributions for your hard work 🙂
As I make these from using original artwork, I don’t feel good about taking money for them. Use freely!
Hi Jorgen/Emphatic, thank you so much for the efforts making these. I used the art for one of your move strips to create one that would fit with my Vewlix and am so happy with the results. If you’d like a copy of the artwork I used, or a small donation via PayPal for your hard work, please send me an email.
Photos of the final results: https://www.arcade-projects.com/forums/index.php?thread/8709-taito-vewlix-vlx-appreciation-owners-thread/&postID=224329#post224329
Looks great!
These are amazing! Are there any instruction strips for fighting games, like VF or Tekken?