
New panel for the EGRET II has arrived and is installed. I’ve fashioned a harness for it, so it’s completely plug ’n play with the EGRET II/Atomiswave SD standards. This panel is fitted with a Suzo 500 stick and Seimitsu pearl buttons, as that’s what I’ve grown acustomed to. I’ve made an order from SEGAShed in England for an EGRET II 1P overlay, and as soon as that’s arrived and installed, I’ll upload pictures of the whole installing process.

Also changed the buttons in my JK cabinet to white pearl Seimitsus, and installed a custom shaft in the Suzo Inductive that lets me use japanese balls instead of ugly Suzo defaults. Now I just need some fresh screws instead of those rusty, worn down ones in the picture.

JK - new buttons + balltop

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